Coninuing, those who know any Hebrew, will know that just as Gabriel means "the strength of God", Michael means, "who is like God?" and Rafael means "medicine of God", Ur means "Fire of God."
But...Who is Uriel anyway? Why this name which means Fire of God? A draft explanation.
Uriel is the angel of Oxford, whose name means, "God is my light" or "Fire of God." and this made him appropriate for our purposes because Oxford was originally a Catholic Univeristy and the founder of Harvard which aimed to separate "veritas" from "eucharitas" graduated from Oxford as a Protestant Preacher, then founded Harvard with a big purse, and Thoreau eventually had a lot to do with these matters as well (there are other reasons for Chooseing Uriel as well.) Uriel is a controversial angel, allowed in the Ethiopian and Russian orthodox cults but frowned on the Roman Cult. Why? Those of us who adhere to the Catholic version of history may legitimately inquire, was the malcontent angel angry because Uriel took over his position when he fell from heaven? Is this about money and power like so many other controversies in the secular world? THe Sicilian Fra Antonio Lo Duca claimed to have had a vision, and subsequently was involved in a disbursement of large sums of moneoy to build a church to the archangels decorated by Michaelangelo and occupied now by the Termini Train station in Rome.
The core curriculum as we mention elsewhere deals primarily with the Eucharist as a phenomenon, and fantasy is presented first because since the transubstantiation is invisible and defies a certain level of rational logic, it is necessary to explain the "willing suspension of disbelief"
These and other doctrines are part of an angelic theology Tolkien knew very well. Tolkien was very devoted to his angel, who he says, told him that his desire to give the Englsih speaking world a mythologoy equal to that of the ancient cultures would be honored by God.
Tolkiens' mother lost a great deal after her conversion and he was brought up largely by a priest.
Oxford seems to have originally been dedicated to Uriel and as the oldest unveristy in the Englsih speaking world, it was obviously a target of the Crown and the Reformation.