This is a draft and may contain inaccuracies, but is set forth as a preliminary mission statement. First of all, any online learning initiative may have a positive effect in our world. See for example the article published March 13 2025 on the Vatican website about online learning in the wake of the Pandemic.HEREMoreover, the miracle of the internet has caused a revolution in communication and education far more transformative than the Gutenberg/Lutheran event, and moves our history forward in a millenial way.

As to our specific mission, The mission of the university as it now exists is to study the phenomena including the supernatural, the natural, and our relationship to these, to determine the truth without bias. There has been a bias against certain claims of the Judeo Christian culture especially in higher education, which has had perhaps a deleterious effect on the well being of our civilization. Accordingly while the university project was not planned in an organized fashion, it came to be and now, it exists.

The mission, as manifested in a public service of online materials, if it could be dated would probably date to Patriot's day 2013 and the bombing of the Boston Marathon. Hours before the bombing occured, in a small chapel in another locale, a message was given, which ended up inspiring the first class based on "I Giovanni Infelici." based on an essay by the Italian post war intellectual Pier Paolo Pasolini. The message had a particular urgency and shortly thereafter, the news hit that the marathon had been bombed.

This is not to say that classes were not being held prior to this date; rather, the classes had hitherto not been published, and a growing sense that perhaps they should be available on the internet sort of consolidated that day. The first class was later adjusted to a more generic class on phenomenology, using a text of Harry Frankfurt which was brief, simply written, and free of charge. Later the first class was again adjusted to the lecture on Fairy Stories given by JRR Tolkien at St Andrews college.
Of course at that time the enterprise was not conceived of as a university; rather, a genteel introduction to certain concepts in phenomenology and how it differs from ideology.

At this point there is no need to register for anyone interested in this project. Simply check out the cor curriculum in its introductory version, three mini classes, on fantasy, phenomenology and ecology.

The Italian text of Pasolini's essay is provided here downloaded from an Italian high school, with the caveat that Don Luigi Giussani wanted to meet him but he was a polarizing figure in post war Italy and should be approached as such. In the introduction, the third paragraph the study group at the Sannazaro school expresses the hope that other students will form study groups to study the texts proposed by the Pagine Sparse, "Si spera che questa iniziativa..."and we of Uriel U. echo these sentiments.I GIOVANI INFELICI.

For those who wish to take the Pasolini intro class, howbeit it is not strictly speaking required for the Skandalon Skole at this time, it is quite illuminating in many senses. What is it that would move the Tsarnaev brothers, offered the best of the present culture, to embrace a religion founded in the middle ages that advocates blowing up sports events to please God? Unlike the typical school shooter or mall shooter, these individuals seem to be perfectly aware of what they are doing. This is a question which is perhpas still worth considering, , keeping in mind that Giussani's cause for canonization has been initiated.

The owl was the original mascot of the skandalon Skole which we do hope to reinstate. It references the Athenian symbol of wisdom which is found on coins from the Greek archaelogical digs, thus it references the scripture "Folly to greeks and a scandal to Jews" which refers to the new civilization proposed by love.