Paul Tillich says "the first duty of Love is to Listen." The first command God gave to the Hebrews was "shema, Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is One."
At Engelblau College, whether participants believe in their guardian angel or not, we Learn to Listen to the Lava of Love, the Lyrics of Laetare, and the Literature of Life. Indeed, Uriel University often plays with Linguistics, as these are the playing fields of the Logos fatto carne, and the Vento of God.

While the art of listening is difficult in these noisy times but past eras also sometimes confused "din" with "divine". This is well illustrated by the story of the prophet Elijah who heard a great din upon the mountain, and following that, a "still small voice", which in fact was the voice of God. Ancient cultures often confused magnificent phenomena with the source of these, but the God of Elijah is a quiet, humble sort, counter-intuitive as it may seem.