As the Devil prepared to interrogate Jesus in the desert, Dersh got wind of it from some Boca raton breezes and blew in. Jesus, don't say a word, he said firmly, you have me now, I'll take care of this double talking damian. (damian, Greek for spirit.) I thought you were defending him, said Jesus, which I mean, the greater a sinner the greater his right to my mercy though I don't think this particular character is interested. (this is probably theologically incorrect, since the devil is reputed to have no interest in heaven "qua" heaven. Is this a bit like Bruno?). The devil seized the opportunity. Hey while we're on the subject, you guys rehabbed Joan of Arc and Savona rola, why not me? Yeah see that's the question, observed Father Hehir who had developed a habit of honing in on theological debates wherever they might be taking place. Hey Brian fancy meeting you here, how's cambridge, Dershowitz said congenially. I was trying to distribute some books over there but the atmosphere is a bit hostile to free speech. If you're God why not just jump off the volcano and do a nose dive into the lava pit, the devil mused in a rather sly fashion. "don't even go there" said Jesus, for it is written, thou shalt not double talk the Lord thy God who takes no bribes and brooks no BS. I'm dead now, said the devil. You know by the way, said Dersh to Yeshua, I have some briefs prepared for your debate with the Pharisees if you want to take a peek sometime. Love to, said Jesus.