Welcome to Bob Bella Vita Blarmineine or some such Sabbatine privilege scholarly stuff!
note: The Bella Vita is a Valanga "thing." The deliberate misspellings of Bellarmine, other than referencing the wonderful scholarship of Adrian Vermeule in a "jocose" fashion, are also a reference to the Bergamot cafe in an artsy area of Manhattan. It also references the beef that Bergoglio had with some Buenos Aires battlers, which was about far more weighty matters than Argentinian beef which is supposed to be really good anyway.
Battling Bob Blarmine and the Purgatory Proddies, new episode for the feast of Barbarigo of Bergamot TM the Bergamot Bakers Bunch
the proddies were piqued, peeved, put out and pouting at the power trippng pope Paco who had published the papa petrine primacy papers with Perceval Press, taking the link out until we can fully understand their position on certain political issues..Being Argentinian, Mortensen gave him a discount and all that because Hidalgo, "But I gave Pete the keys" Jesus reminded everyone. "The keys to the kingdom or the bakery?" queried Roncalli, "because the angelbread is at the center of the proddie penitential panis angelicus flap."