The Valanga di Vita respects the concern that the Vatican's Pope Zachary and subsequent pontiffs may have had with angelic realms. If it it determined that the Archangel Uriel controversy is still ongoing, the name of the university may need to be clarified, elucidated, amended or held in abeyance.
Uriel U. is a young eucharistic university formalized in 2018 and given its current name in that time, though existing prior in various forms, and dedicated to restoring eucharistic intellectual investigation in every field in response to a general impingement of honest inquiry.
the angelic announcement is taken literally and considered as possible in reality and not simply a quaint outdated fairy tale and in fact faerie and beauty /beatitude generally are studied by all university first years in the fall trimester in a course on Fantasy
part of the valanga di vita, the university is set up according to a trimestral schedule, allowing for the summer trimester devoted to gaia theory, olmsteads parks and such like to be given equal weight and is involved in putting legitimate search for truth including the claims of Christ at the center of all intellectual inquiry, The horseshoe is explained as intending the sermon on the beatitudes beati voi.